Sunday, April 22, 2012


这是班兰戚风蛋糕。食谱是来自Teoh Hoey See

材料A (Ingredient A)
蛋黄 :6
( 6 nos egg yolks)

: 75g
(75g castor sugar)

浓椰浆 :100g
(100g thick ccoconut milk)

香兰汁 : 50g
(50g pandan juice)

玉米油 : 75g
(75g corn oil)

材料B(Ingredient B)
普通面粉 : 150g全部混合过筛
(150g plain flour-sieved)

发粉 : 5g
(5g double action baking powder / baking powder)

: ¼ tsp
(1/4 tsp salt)

材料C (Ingredient C)
蛋白 : 6
(6 nos egg whites)

: 75g
(75g castor sugar)

(1/2 tsp cream of tartar)

方法 Methods:

  1. 把材料A 所有的材料放入一个大钢盆内, 用打蛋器顺同一方向搅至糖溶。Put all the ingredient in a mixing bowl. Mix it with mixer in 1 direction.
  2. 加入材料B顺同一方向, 充分混合均匀成蛋糊状, 放一旁待用。Add in ingredient B and mix well.
  3. 把材料C的糖与塔塔粉混合均匀.。Pour cream of tartar into sugar.
  4. 把蛋白放入搅拌钢内, 用中速度打至许多泡沫, 慢慢加入糖,改用高速度打至适当凝固Pour egg whites into a mixing bowl. Whisk it with a medium speed. Add in sugar slowly and whisk in high speed.
  5. 先把的蛋白加进蛋糊内, 小心混合均匀, 然后再加入其余的蛋白泡沫混均, 不要搅拌过度。Put 1/3 of egg whites into batter. Stir well.After that pour in all of the egg whites into batter and stir well.(Just stir with scrapper)
  6. 倒入22cm烤盘中(烤盘不需要涂油) Pour the batter into a 22cm chiffon mould. (Don't grease the mould)
  7. 放入已预热的烤箱内, 170°C烘约50分钟。Preheat oven for 150 degree celcius, bake for 50 minutes.
  8. 取出, 把蛋糕倒扣, 至完全冷却后, 才由烤盘取出把蛋糕。Take out the cake from oven and turn it upside down. Wait until fully cool only take out from mould.

重要 :搅拌钢一定要洗到很干净, 不能有一点油迹, 也不能沾有一点蛋黄, 否则蛋白打不起。

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