Sunday, May 20, 2012

糙米咖啡戚风 Brown rice coffee chiffon

For a long time I didn't make chiffon cake. Today I use the brown rice coffee sachet that my friend gave to make this cake. I forgot to reduce the sugar, luckily it doesn't taste very sweet and it is full of coffee aroma.

材料 Ingredients:
蛋黄 6 nos egg yolk
细砂糖 75g castor sugar
咖啡 250ml coffee
玉米油 75g corn oil

自发面粉 150g self-raising flour
盐 1/4 tsp salt

蛋白 6 nos egg white
细砂糖 75g castor sugar
塔塔粉 1/2 tsp cream of tartar

做法 Methods: 
  1. 把材料A 所有的材料放入一个大钢盆内, 用打蛋器顺同一方向搅至糖溶 Put all the ingredients A into a mixing bowl, Mix well.
  2. 加入材料B顺同一方向, 充分混合均匀成蛋糊状, 放一旁待用。Add in ingredients B and mix well to get batter.
  3. 把材料C的糖与塔塔粉混合均匀。Mix sugar with cream of tartar.
  4. 把蛋白放入搅拌缸内, 用中速度打至许多泡沫, 慢慢加入糖,改用高速度打至适当凝固。Whisk egg whites in a mixing bowl. Add in sugar slowly and at last whisk the egg with high speed until stiff.
  5. 先把⅓的蛋白加进蛋糊内, 小心混合均匀, 然后再加入其余的蛋白泡沫混均, 不要搅拌过度。Pour 1/2 of the egg white into egg yolk batter. Stir with scrapper. Add in the balance of egg white and stir well.
  6. 倒入22cm烤盘中(烤盘不需要涂油)。Pour the batter into a chiffon mould (Don't grease the mould)
  7. 放入已预热的烤箱内, 170°C烘约50分钟。 Preheat oven to 170°C and bake for 50 minutes. 
  8. 取出, 把蛋糕倒扣, 至完全冷却后, 才由烤盘取出把蛋糕。Once done, take out the cake from oven and let it cool. Remove the cake from mould when it is fully cool.