Saturday, May 5, 2012

芒果蛋糕 Mango cake ^^

After wait for few days, finally the mangoes is ripe. 
Come back from work and rest a while, i start to make my mangoes cake at 2 something.
After bake the cake, i have to invert it to cool before i can slice it. When i finished make the cake, the time is already evening.

蛋糕材料 Ingredients for the cake:
蛋黄 6 nos egg yolk
香草精 1 tsp vanilla essence
幼糖 ½ cup castor sugar
½ tsp salt
½ cup water
粟米油 ½ cup corn oil
特有面粉 175g super fine flour
发粉 2 tsp baking powder
蛋白 6 nos egg white
塔塔粉 ½ tsp cream of tartar
幼糖 ½ cup castor sugar

用具 Utensil needed
9” 圆模 9” cake tin

陷料 Filling
芒果 2 粒(切小块) 2 mangoes (cubed)
鲜奶油 350ml Whipping cream

装饰 For decoration
芒果 3 粒(切片装使用) 3 mangoessliced for decoration
鲜奶油 少许(打发) Some whipping cream (whipped)
装饰遮里 一些 Some deco gel

做法 Method
1. 9”圆模上铺纸,以170摄氏度预热烘炉。
Cake: Line a 9” round cake tin. Preheat oven at 170 degree celcius.
2. 材料(A)放入大碗,以球形搅拌器用手拌至幼滑,置边。
Hand whisk ingredients (A) in a bowl until well-combined. Leave aside.
3. 材料(B)的蛋白及塔塔粉打至起泡,加入幼糖打至发泡不跌下,拌入(2)至均匀,倒入模里,放入烘炉烘40-45分钟。
Whisk egg whites and cream of tartar until foamy. Add in sugar and whisk until stiff. Combine with no. (2). Pour into tin and bake for 40-45 minutes.
4. 取出蛋糕倒扣至凉,横切3片。
Invert cake to cool before slicing onto 3 layers horizontally.

陷料 Filling:
1. 打发鲜奶油,加入芒果拌匀。
Whip up cream and add in mangoes. Divide into 2 portion.

装饰 Decoration:
1. 铺一片蛋糕在蛋糕模,搽一份陷料,重复另一片。冷藏后用刀削圆蛋糕边缘。搽满打发的鲜奶油后铺满芒果,搽装饰遮里,冷藏后享用。
To assemble, place a layer of cake into tin. Spread a layer of filling on top. Repeat this step till finished. Keep cake chilled. Trim edges of cake to a nice round. Decorate with mangoes and spread on deco gel. Chill once more before serving.

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