Today i go to baking ingredients shop after work. The shop owner ask me whether i'm interested to join the class or not. This weekend they will teach Hokkaido Chiffon and if I'm not mistake, the fees is RM80. I decide to hav a try on it. My 1st hokkaido chiffon.
Eunice Liong的
Hokkaido Cup Cake 北海道戚风蛋糕。
I refer
Eunice Liong's
Hokkaido Cup Cake 北海道戚风蛋糕 recipe.
This is the original recipe:
(A) 蛋黄糊材料 Egg yolk batter
低筋面粉 80g (过筛) Low protein flour(sieved)
发粉 1/2tsp (和低粉一起过筛) Baking powder(sieved)
糖粉 10g Sugar
盐 1/4tsp Salt
牛油(煮溶)或沙拉油 40g Melt butter / oil
香草精 1tsp Vanilla essense
蛋黄 4 nos egg yolk
鲜奶 70g milk
(B) 蛋白糊材料 Egg white batter
蛋白 4 nos egg whites
细砂糖 60g castor sugar
塔塔粉 1/4tsp cream of tartar
(C) Custard馅材料 Custard filling
牛油 10g butter
鲜奶 175g milk
面粉 10g wheat flour
玉米粉 1tsp corn starch
白糖 1 tbsp sugar
蛋黄 1 nos egg yolk
植物鲜奶油 125g non-dairy whipping cream
(D) 糖粉 icing sugar
~装饰蛋糕表面用 to decorate cake surface
1. 把所有的材料(C)(除了植物鲜奶油),搅拌均匀然后,用小火煮至浓稠,放凉备用.
Mix all the ingredients in (C),except non-dairy whipping cream. Cook until think with low heat. Set aside to let it cool.
2. 将材料(A)的蛋黄和糖粉搅拌均匀后,放入沙拉油(或煮溶的牛油),盐,香草精和鲜奶搅拌均匀,最后把低粉和发粉筛入搅拌均匀.
Mix egg yolk and sugar. Then put in melt butter or oil, salt, vanilla essense and milk. Mix it well. Last pour in low protein flour and baking powder. Mix well.
3. 把材料(B)打至湿性发泡,然后和(2)搅拌均匀.
Whisk egg white until peak foam. Stir together with (2)
4. 将(3)倒入纸杯8分满,排入烤盘,放进已预热160度的烤箱烘15分钟.
Pour batter into cup. Preheat oven 160 degree. Bake for 15 minutes.
5. 将材料(C)的鲜奶油打发,和已放凉了的Custard馅料搅拌均匀放入挤花袋备用.
Whisk non-dairy whipping cream until peak foam, mix with custard filling and pour into piping bag.
6. 将(5)挤入(4)的中间,筛上材料(D)即可^^
Pipe custard filling in the middle of the cake. Decorate it with icing sugar.