Sunday, June 2, 2013

豆渣戚风蛋糕 Okara chiffon cake ^_^

用220g 的黄豆做了2公升豆浆后,最头痛的就是豆渣了。之前试过用豆渣做面包,可是我不太喜欢。所以这次用豆渣做蛋糕了。
I used 220g soy bean to make 2 litre of soy milk. After make soy milk, i'm thinking what to do with okara. Last time i use it to make bread but i don't like. So this time i use okara to make a cake.

材料 Ingredients:
蛋黄 3 nos egg yolk
红糖 40g raw sugar
粟米油 50g corn oil
豆渣 50g okara
无甜豆奶 70g unsweetened soy milk
盐 1g salt
特幼面粉 100g super fine flour
发粉 1 tsp baking powder

蛋白 3 nos egg white
塔塔粉 1/4 tsp cream of tartar
红糖 50g raw sugar

用具 Utensil needed:
7” 方模 7” square cake tin

做法 Method:
1. 以140摄氏度预热烘炉。
Preheat oven at 140 degree celcius.

2. 材料(A)放入大碗,以球形搅拌器用手拌至幼滑,置边。
Hand whisk ingredients (A) in a bowl until well-combined. Leave aside.

3. 材料(B)的蛋白及塔塔粉打至起泡,加入幼糖打至发泡不跌下,拌入(2)至均匀,倒入模里,放入烘炉烘50分钟。
Whisk egg whites and cream of tartar until foamy. Add in sugar and whisk until stiff. Combine with no. (2). Pour into tin and bake for 50 minutes.

4. 取出蛋糕倒扣至凉。
Invert cake to cool.

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