Sunday, June 2, 2013

竹炭斑马戚风蛋糕 Bamboo charcoal chiffon ^_^

材料 Ingredients:
蛋黄 5 nos egg yolk
幼糖 30g castor sugar
粟米油 65g corn oil
牛奶 70ml milk
特幼面粉 150g super fine flour
发粉 1 tsp baking powder

蛋白 5 nos egg white
塔塔粉 1/4 tsp cream of tartar
幼糖 100g castor sugar

竹炭粉 10g bamboo charcoal

用具 Utensil needed:
9” 圆模 9” cake tin

做法 Method:
1. 以140摄氏度预热烘炉。
Preheat oven at 140 degree celcius.

2. 材料(A)放入大碗,以球形搅拌器用手拌至幼滑,置边。
Hand whisk ingredients (A) in a bowl until well-combined. Leave aside.

3. 材料(B)的蛋白及塔塔粉打至起泡,加入幼糖打至发泡不跌下,拌入(2)至均匀。把面糊分成两份,一份加入竹炭粉。
Whisk egg whites and cream of tartar until foamy. Add in sugar and whisk until stiff. Combine with no. (2). Divide the batter into 2 portion. Add in bamboo charcoal in 1 portion.

4. 用勺子把面糊交替着倒入模型内。放入烘炉烘50分钟。
Use a scope to pour batter alternately into mould and bake for 50 minutes.

5. 取出蛋糕倒扣至凉。
Invert cake to cool.

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