Friday, November 23, 2012

绿茶戚风 Matcha chiffon

材料 Ingredients:
蛋黄 5 nos egg yolk
香草精 1 tsp vanilla essence
幼糖 60g castor sugar
牛奶 80g milk
粟米油 60g corn oil
特幼面粉 150g super fine flour
发粉 1 tsp baking powder
绿茶粉 1 tbsp matcha powder
蛋白 5 nos egg white
塔塔粉 1/4 tsp cream of tartar
幼糖 100g castor sugar

黑芝麻少许 little bit of black sesame

用具 Utensil needed:
9” 圆模 9” cake tin

做法 Method:
1. 在9”圆模上铺纸,以170摄氏度预热烘炉。
Line a 9” round cake tin. Preheat oven at 170 degree celcius.
2. 材料(A)放入大碗,以球形搅拌器用手拌至幼滑,置边。
Hand whisk ingredients (A) in a bowl until well-combined. Leave aside.
3. 材料(B)的蛋白及塔塔粉打至起泡,加入幼糖打至发泡不跌下,拌入(2)至均匀,倒入模里,撒上黑芝麻,放入烘炉烘40-45分钟。
Whisk egg whites and cream of tartar until foamy. Add in sugar and whisk until stiff. Combine with no. (2). Pour into tin and put some black sesame on top of batter. Bake for 40-45 minutes.

4. 取出蛋糕倒扣至凉。
Invert cake to cool.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

比萨 Mission wraps pizza

之前买了两包mission wraps。一天早上把它弄成比萨当早餐吃。薄皮比萨很好吃哦。
Last time bought 2 packets mission wraps. One day i make it as pizza. It taste nice.

1片 Mission wrap 1 pcs
2条香肠 2 frankfurter
4条蟹柳 4 filament stick
比萨酱少许 pizza sauce
2片车达芝士 2 slice cheddar cheese
parmesan cheese少许 parmesan cheese for topping
kewpie美乃滋 kewpie mayonnaise

做法 Methods:
1. 在mission wraps上涂上比萨酱。Apply pizza sauce on mission wraps.
2. 把切片的香肠和蟹柳铺在mission wraps上。Place sliced frankfurter and filament stick on mission wraps.
3. 挤上美乃滋。铺上车达芝士及撒上parmesan cheese. Squeeze some mayonnaise and put on cheddar cheese and parmesan cheese.
4. 预热烤炉180度。烤大约10分钟。Preheat oven at 180 degree and bake for 10 minutes.

墨西哥面包 Mexico Bun

用汤种面包团做了几个墨西哥面包。虽然卖相不好,可是很好吃。I use water roux bread dough and make few Mexico bun. It doesn't look nice but taste good.

食谱是做两个吐司,可是我用其中一份来做墨西哥面包。每一个墨西哥面包的粉团大约是50g。 Recipe is to make 2 bread loaf, but i use half of it to make Mexico Bun. Each dough for mexico bun is about 50g.

湯種吐司Water roux bread loaf
材料Ingredients:12兩x2 (圓頂吐司&雙峰吐司) can make 2 bread loaf (20 x 10 x 10cm)

湯種water roux:
高筋粉33g high protein flour
水163g water
  lend the flour and water in a small sauce pan, and heat over medium while stirring with a whisk. As soon as 
  the mixture thickens, and swirl lines appear, remove from heat and allow to cool. put in a bowl and cover it  
  with a sling wrap cover on water roux.
主麵糰 bread dough:
高筋粉567g high protein flour
奶粉20g milk powder
細糖70g castor sugar
鹽10g butter
全蛋50g egg
水147g water
即溶酵母6~9g instant yeast
無鹽奶油70g unsalted butter
1. 准备一个大碗,把汤种,高筋面粉,细砂糖,盐,即溶酵母和水倒进去,用橡皮刮刀拌匀。Prepare a big bowl, pour in water roux, high protein flour, castor sugar, salt, instant yeast and water. Use a scrapper to mix it.
2. 把面团移到工作台,用手揉面至有延展性。Move the dough to table. Knead it with hand to form rough dough.
3. 加入牛油一直搓揉至光滑及能够拉出薄膜。 After that, add in butter and knead to form elastic dough.
4. 放在碗里进行基本发酵至双倍大。Round it and put in a bowl for fermentation. Proof until double size.
5. 用刮刀把面团取出。Use a scrapper to take out the dough.
6. 把面团分割成2小1大,滚圆静置10分钟。Divide the dough into 2 small 1 big. Round it and let it rest for 10 minutes.
7. 把面团擀扁并卷起成椭圆形。重复两次。Roll the dough with a rolling pin then roll it to become an oval. Repeat 2 times
8. 把面团放在涂了油的烤盘上,进行第二次发酵约45分钟。Put the dough on a grease pan and let it proof for about 45 minutes.
9. 预热烤箱至180度,烤12-15分钟至表面金黄。Preheat oven to 180 degree, bake it for 12-15 minutes.

咖啡面糊 Coffee Topping::
软化牛油75g Butter (soften)
幼糖 60g Sugar
鸡蛋 2 eggs
普通面粉 75g Plain Flour
* 1大匙咖啡粉用1大匙温水拌匀 1 tbsp Instant Coffee Powder dissolve in 1tbsp warm water
* 咖啡精 1/2 tsp Coffee Paste

做法 Methods:
1. 用打蛋器把牛油和糖拌匀至糖溶解。Hand whisk sugar and soften butter until sugar dissolved.
2. 加入鸡蛋然后拌匀。Add eggs and continued whisk till well-mixed.
3. 加入面粉,咖啡和咖啡精拌匀。 Add in plain flour, coffee mixture and coffee paste then stir well.
4. 把面糊倒入挤花袋。把面糊挤在发酵完成的面包上。 Pour batter into piping bag. Pipe swirl on top of the bun.

65 °C汤种吐司 65 °C water roux bread

前几次都用直接发来做面包,这次心血来潮用了65 °C汤种来做吐司。
食谱是参考里烘焙教室部落格65度c湯種吐司 (附配方)
Last few times use direct method to make bread loaf. Today i use Water Roux method to ake this loaf.

湯種吐司Water roux bread loaf
材料Ingredients:12兩x2 (圓頂吐司&雙峰吐司) can make 2 bread loaf (20 x 10 x 10cm)

湯種water roux:
高筋粉33g high protein flour
水163g water
  lend the flour and water in a small sauce pan, and heat over medium while stirring with a whisk. As soon as  
  the mixture thickens, and swirl lines appear, remove from heat and allow to cool. put in a bowl and cover it   
  with a sling wrap cover on water roux.
主麵糰 bread dough:
高筋粉567g high protein flour
奶粉20g milk powder
細糖70g castor sugar
鹽10g butter
全蛋50g egg
水147g water
即溶酵母6~9g instant yeast
無鹽奶油70g unsalted butter
1. 准备一个大碗,把汤种,高筋面粉,细砂糖,盐,即溶酵母和水倒进去,用橡皮刮刀拌匀。Prepare a big bowl, pour in water roux, high protein flour, castor sugar, salt, instant yeast and water. Use a scrapper to mix it.
2. 把面团移到工作台,用手揉面至有延展性。Move the dough to table. Knead it with hand to form rough dough.
3. 加入牛油一直搓揉至光滑及能够拉出薄膜。 After that, add in butter and knead to form elastic dough.
4. 放在碗里进行基本发酵至双倍大。Round it and put in a bowl for fermentation. Proof until double size.
5. 用刮刀把面团取出。Use a scrapper to take out the dough.
6. 把面团分割成2小1大,滚圆静置10分钟。Divide the dough into 2 small 1 big. Round it and let it rest for 10 minutes.
7. 把面团擀扁并卷起成椭圆形。重复两次。Roll the dough with a rolling pin then roll it to become an oval. Repeat 2 times
8. 把面团放在涂了油的烤盘上,进行第二次发酵约45分钟。Put the dough on a grease pan and let it proof for about 45 minutes.
9. 预热烤箱至180度,烤35-40分钟至表面金黄。Preheat oven to 180 degree, bake it for 35-40 minutes.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

马卡龙 Macaroon

在面子书的烘焙乐缘看到Ann Chin马卡龙。里面有她分享的食谱。所以就动手做了。
Saw Ann Chin sharing her macaroon recipe in facebook. I make this macaroon according to the recipe she share.

材料 Ingredients:
糖粉icing sugar 80g, 杏仁粉ground almond 60g (一起过筛 sieve together)
1粒蛋白 egg white(40g)、60g幼糖 castor sugar

做法 Methods:
1. 先打发蛋白,再把糖分3次加入,打至硬性发泡。Whisk egg whites on high speed till bubble foam, 
    add in cream of Tartar. When mixture become frothy, add in sugar in 3 separate additions on high speed 
    until stiff peaks form.

2. 把筛过的粉,倒入蛋白里。Pour the sieved icing sugar and ground almond into meringue.

3. 用塑胶刀拌匀。Mix well by using scrapper.

4. 拌成好的混合料,会流动的。The mixture is just nice and can flow.

5. 把混合料装进挤花袋,再挤出圆形状,在已铺了纸的烤盘上。Put all the mixture into a piping 
    bag with round nozzle. Pipe on silicone paper.

6. 挤好,再敲几下,让马卡龙表面平坦。Lightly knock the baking tray to let the macaroon surface 

7. 预热烤炉200度 5分钟, 然后off 烤炉。Preheat oven 200 degree for 5 minutes then turn off oven.

8. 把马卡龙放进烤炉焖5分钟,这时马卡龙表皮就会干和不黏手。Put macaroon into oven and let 
     it there for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, the surface will be dry and not sticky.

9. 直接开烤炉170度烤3分钟。Directly switch on oven for 170 degree. Bake for 3 minutes.

     干。You will see the lace pattern appear. At the same time, turn the temperature to 110 degree. Bake 
     for 10-15 minutes until it dry.

11.用两片马卡龙夹入馅。Put filling into macaroon.

150g巧克力 chocolate(切碎cut into small pieces)、100g动物性鲜奶油 UHT whipping cream、30g牛油 butter ~ 隔水煮溶,待浓稠状即可 double boil it until thick
挤在马卡龙中夹起来。Pipe on macaroon and stick 2 together.


4个蛋白 egg white
220g 幼糖 castor sugar
¾ tsp 塔塔粉 cream of tartar

做法 Methods:
1. 取一个干净的容器(不能沾有水或油),倒入蛋白打至起粗泡,加入塔塔粉继续打。幼糖  
    分三次加入打至硬性发泡。Whisk egg whites on high speed till bubble foam, add in cream of Tartar. 
    When mixture become frothy, add in sugar in 3 separate additions on high speed until just before stiff 
    peaks form.

2. 趁蛋白消泡前,用刮刀把蛋白霜放到铺了烤纸的烤盘上。我把全部蛋白霜都弄成一个圆形 
 (可以弄比较小个的)。Line the tray with silicone paper. Use a scrapper to take the meringue and put 
    on silicone paper. U can make small pavlova. But for me, I just make a big one.

3. 预热烤箱100度。放在最底层烤1小时45分钟。Preheat oven to 100 degree. Put the tray on the 
    bottom layer. Bake for 1 hour 45 minutes.

4. 全程不能打开烤箱。烤好后,烤箱门虚掩着让帕芙洛娃在里面待凉。Don’t open the oven door 
    when baking. After done, leave the door slightly ajar and let the meringue cool completely.

可以配上打发的鲜奶油及水果。因为帕芙洛娃太甜了,所以我没有用鲜奶油。我用了优格来搭配。You can serve it with whipping cream and fruit. For me, Pavlova is too sweet. So I just serve it with yoghurt.