Thursday, February 21, 2013

全麦芝士香肠面包 Wholegrain cheesy sausage bun

材料 Ingredients:
高筋面粉 220g high protein flour
全麦面粉 30g wholegrain flour
砂糖 25g castor sugar
盐 4g salt
酵母 1/2tsp + 1/4tsp yeast
动物性鲜奶油 50g UHT whipping cream
冰水 138g cold water

牛油 20g butter

做法 Methods:

1) 把材料A放进搅拌缸里拌匀。Pour all the ingredients A into a mixing bowl. Knead it well.

2) 加入牛油打至面团能拉出薄膜。Add butter into the dough and mix until well-combined. Once all combine increase the kneading speed and continue knead till can be stretched to form a "window panel".

3) 取出面团放在容器里进行第一次发酵至双倍大。Take out the dough and put in a container for fermentation. Proof until double size.

4) 用刮刀把面团取出。Use a scrapper to take out the dough.

5) 把面团分割成60克一个,滚圆静置10分钟。Divide the dough into 60g each. Round it and let it rest for 10 minutes.

6) 把面团擀扁然后放上芝士片和香肠并卷起成椭圆形。Roll the dough with a rolling pin then put cheddar cheese and sausage on it. After that roll it to become an oval.
7) 把面团放在涂了油的烤盘上,进行第二次发酵约45分钟。Put the dough on a grease pan and let it proof for about 45 minutes.
8) 在面团表面涂上蛋液。预热烤箱至180度,烤12-15分钟至表面金黄。Egg wash the bread surface. Preheat oven to 180 degree, bake it for 12-15 minutes.

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